Feb 29, 2020

How To Increase Traffic On New Blog

Starting blog is as easy as drinking water but researching, creating, and posting good quality content on the same niche consistently is not easy. It requires a lot patience.

Most of the new blogger give up in just one month after starting their new blog because they want instant result. And If you are looking for instant result then blogging is not for you.

To be specific on one niche is very important in blogging because if you write new blog post every week or daily on the same niche then you will be authority in that niche. People will automatically trust you more.

A lot of new blogger do this mistake by switching one another niche everyday. They don't stick to one niche and that is the biggest reason for not getting regular traffic, because people loses trust on your blog that you post in different niche everyday, you are not an expert in one niche. they thing that you post content only for the sake of money not to educate.

Being consistent is the key to success in blogging. You have to post New blog post everyday and not only just post, it should be interesting, full of value, engaging as well.

As a new blogger you should post at least 3-4 post a week. If you can post more then it would be better.

Social media is really great way to drive traffic to your new blog.

As you know social media is the another world for people now a day's. Study shows that people spend more that one hour per day on social media so you need to be active to engage with them. And when you post new blog post, you must share it on all your social media accounts. It quickly generate handsome amount of traffic on your blog.

80% percent of the internet users look for their common problem's solution on google or other search engine. You website need to be on first page of the google search result if you really want to get organic traffic for a particular keyword.

You need to rank a blog post in google search result first page for a particular keyword. So here come SEO stands for search engine optimization. In order to rank your blog post on first page of the google search result you need to learn SEo techniques and apply it. Here are some SEO tips and tricks that you can try to get huge amount of traffic.

There are so many ways you can learn seo free as well as paid. First start learning on youtube. Then you can go for paid courses. So many elearning website out there providing quality education with really cheap price. Here is the review of udemy which is the well known elearning platform where you can learn almost any course. Price starting from $10 only.